Saturday 31 December 2011

Detox Your Lungs in Weeks – Not Years!

Do you need to detox your lungs because you have abused them with years upon years of smoking cigarettes? If so, be warned, without consistent and thorough action your body can take years to fight through the tar and poisons you have inhaled. You need to approach this systematically and with a set program in mind or you could be developing lung disease in the near future rather than enjoying clear, healthy lung-fulls of life giving oxygen.

Fortunately, you can do a lung detox that will reduce this ‘cleanup’ time from years to a sleepy few weeks or months depending on how badly affected your lungs are from your smoking days. There are three main aspects of lung detoxification that you need to know about to really make the most of your health kick, and to stop you becoming a lung disease statistic.

Smoking Cessation

Trying to cleanse your lungs while you are still smoking is like emptying a sinking boat with a bucket. In the end, the tide will win because you are not fixing the root problem of the gaping hole in the boat … your smoking.

This is essential. You have to end your smoking habit or all your future lung detox efforts will be in vain. Quitting and doing a detox at the same time can be very helpful to many though as the motivation of feeling your lungs clearing can help you resist the urge to smoke again.

Tar Removal

The problem with getting the dangerous chemicals out of your lungs is that they are trapped inside due to a layer of tar and mucus that inhibits your immune system. The processes that expel dangerous toxins are blocked by this barrier, which can take years to slowly break down. All this time the toxins are getting into your lung tissue and your bloodstream, to wreak havoc and cause lung disease including cancer.

As such, you need to start getting rid of the tar in large amounts to free up your lungs from this irritating, airway-blocking menace.


Once you have thinned out this tar somewhat you can start to really job; removing the toxins through a lung detoxification program. This involves boosting your immune system and directly targeting your lungs with some dietary changes and other lifestyle modifications that can supercharge the detox process to free your lungs of the poisons that assault them.
To find out exactly how to do each phase of this complete lung detox, click below to discover how hundreds of other smokers have become ex-smokers with clean healthy lungs once more.

How to Quit Smoking & Clean Your Lungs of Toxins

How to quit smoking is one of the biggest questions facing long-term smokers that have realized the damage they are doing to themselves and want to do something about it. However, the bigger question is actually what are you going to do AFTER you quit smoking!

This is because quitting smoking will not save you from all the poisons and tar that have been filling your lungs for so many years. You may think that you breathe out all of the rubbish you inhale, but the truth of the matter is that a substantial amount clings to the inside of your lungs.

While the body can get rid of some of this deadly mixture of ash, tar, and toxins, the amount you have smoked is often well beyond the natural healing abilities of the body for what can be many years after you stop smoking.

So what is the answer?

You must conquer the mental barriers that are addicting you to smoking and that inhibit your body’s attempts to clean your lungs of toxins! This is because the addiction to cigarettes is more than just the physical withdrawals that nicotine causes. It is also a deep and ingrained psychological addiction that has taken root in your mind. Focusing just on the physical symptoms and thinking that is the way to beat cigarettes will not work if you ignore your own mind’s powerful influence.

This also applies to cleaning your lungs of toxins that have been trapped in your chest causing infections and disease. With a poor mental state you firstly cannot stop the smoking that is causing them damage, but you also lower your body’s defenses against these poisons that can lead to many lung diseases; including the dreaded cancer. If you train your brain to be able to cope with what is a considerable change in lifestyle, cleanse your lungs and lower the stress levels that inhibit natural healing, you will find this a powerful way to get better lung health and quit smoking.

So do not just look at the physical when dealing with your health, make good use of the power of your mind and its influences on the physical body. For more information on how to achieve this to quit smoking and gain clean lungs, click below to super charge your lung health!